Making a big splash with a new software launch in the Canadian real estate market.
About DealTap
DealTap is a SaaS scale-up that solves the fragmented software process in completing real estate contracts. It provides Ontario Realtors an all-in-one electronic signature tool that allows them to fully digitize their paperwork from start to finish.

The Challenge

My mandate was to launch DealTap's new product and broadcast its product benefits in order to aggressively acquire a user base of real estate agents. During the process, three main challenges were identified:

DealTap is a new market entrant with little to no credibility

DealTap is not clearly differentiated in the electronic-signature space

40% of real estate agents are part timers that do very few deals a year

To set a proper foundation for DealTap's go-to-market, it was imperative to redefine the company's brand & value proposition in the competitive e-signature space. With that anchor, I developed a multi-channel marketing campaign that enticed prospects with unique product benefits presented in stunning creative.
1. Customer Segmentation

While profiling Ontario's 60,000 real estate agents, it was clear not all are the same. I focused on tech-savvy high-performing agents (~30% of base) who would be more receptive to DealTap’s value & pay for productivity software.

30% of agents do 75% of the deals

Source: RE Stats, Toronto Real Estate Board

2. Brand Strategy

With many competitive options, DealTap's brand looked outdated and messaging left prospects still asking "So, how are you different from...?". I redefined the value proposition so that customers can realize DealTap's immediate value in a frame of reference they understood.

"Digital Transaction Management Tool On Rails"
Dated logo and overused blue brand
colour scheme
Heavy reliance on technical language
Differentiator not clearly understood
"E-Signatures on Smart Contracts that Know
Real Estate"
Modernized logo, typeface and differentiated colour scheme not used by any competitor
Simple, human-level language that is easily understood
Captures DealTap's uniqueness as "paperwork assistant that guides you"
3. Website

I extended the brand's approachable tone into the aesthetic of the new site. Layout was simple and airy which allowed core features to be easily digested in all responsive layouts. Call-to-action buttons were strategically placed where conversion was most likely to happen.

4. Product Videos

DealTap is a robust tool that solves problems most Realtors didn’t even know they had. I created short, high quality videos to effectively unravel how the product works in a real estate agent's day-to-day. When it came to DealTap, viewers across all channels simply "got it".

5. Digital Marketing Campaign

Deployed awareness-focused assets with tailored creative based on the medium (Facebook, Instagram, Email, Youtube, etc.). Strong brand strategy helped anchor communications with consistency throughout the multiple customer touch points. A limited-time pricing incentive created a sense of urgency for prospects to convert.

6. Experiential & Print

To kick-off the launch, we premiered DealTap at RealtorQuest® - Canada's largest real estate conference. Gold sponsorship secured maximum exposure to the 7,000+ attendees and allowed customers to engage with our product in a live setting.

7. Analytics & Optimization

Facebook Creative Refresh

By closely monitoring KPIs like click-through rates, conversions & overall CPA, I refreshed the creative to help improve DealTap's Facebook ad performance.

Creative is generic, stock photography
Not product-focused
Industry agnostic
Custom eye catching illustration
Feature-benefit focused
Real estate specific

Streamlined Registration Process
After flagging the unusually high registration drop off rate, I noticed prospect were abandoning when they had to manually enter all their brokerage information. I optimized this page by connecting to a library of brokerage contact information so they could simply search for them and have it auto populate.

15% drop off rate
9 fields, all manual input
Average 4 mins. to complete
6% drop off rate
1 field, auto populate input
Average 30 secs. to complete



spike in direct website traffic


above user aquisition targets


product video views, 10% higher than industry average


ROI on Facebook ad spend


views on 7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples featuring DealTap


increase in social mentions

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